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Monthly Archives: July 2013

I’ve been back in Moshi since July 4.  I’ve built a house outside of town and we still have no power.  This is why I have been unable to post promptly the activities of Do Science.  Apologies.

DSC00056I met with the executive and we planned the workshop for July 17.  We have a new member on our team.  Janet Mushi is a Chemistry teacher and is now working together with Elizabeth on that panel.  We are very happy to have her.  We lost Rene Costa to a Masters Program just after he joined the team in December.  We are still looking for another Biology leader to work with Bosco Sisti on that Panel.

I am pleased to report that all members of the team have agreed to continue into 2014 in their current positions, including Bertha Msaki who has been doing an excellent job as Chairperson for this Leadership team.

The weather this time of year is lovely.  Nice and cool, cardigan temperature much of the time except if the sun is strong in the afternoon and you are out in it.  Essentially no rain.  Clouds are more prevalent now but still nothing more than a sprinkle.  The views of the mountain from my front porch have been amazing.